
Wait, wut? (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 19:45 (3537 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Not sure about Cody, but I highly support the use of cheat codes. :)

You like...just a second ago...earlier in this thread...are you trolling...I don't even?

Only if you consider a cheat code, something the devs programed in to be used by players (especially in the case of the GTA series), the same as physically modifying a controller to play a game while you are not around.

Back when I was a kid I haggled my parents to call the Sega of America pay per minute hotline to get the cheat codes to Sonic the Hedgehog 2. (Level Select: 19, 65,9,17, Hold A, Press Start, Select 1 Player, Debug Mode: 1,9,9,2,1,1,2,4 then Super Sonic: 4,1,2,6. From memory. 20+ years later.) I have the GTA IV codes written down. I used cheat codes in Sim City 2000. Those are just my favorite examples.

I would never find or construct a way to advance by not playing a game.

My personal feelings on this are: as long as it's single player, whom could it harm? He levels up a character to 20 in x number of hours--he still has to raid, strike and Cruciclast his way to better armor and stuff. He's just shortcutting the unnecessary B.S. we have to do to avoid the difficulty curve again. I don't see anything wrong with it.

And Ragashingo--Up Up Down Down UP UP UP UP!

Oh, and Left Left Left Right Right Right Up Up Up.

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