
Ragashigo confirmed Statist (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:45 (3446 days ago) @ Ragashingo

You've yet to provide any reason his cheating hurts anyone or the sanctity of the game.

Pretty hard to do when, by your definition, "the sanctity of the game" isn't blemished by someone earning rewards and levels while they sleep. It's an interactive game meant to be played by an attentive person. Where are you going to draw the line? Why even build the robot or turn on the Xbox? He could just hack the Destiny servers and just give himself the same level 20 character and thousands of Glimmer and it would still seem to maintain your idea of "the sanctity of the game."

A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience. In most games, skipping to the last level with invincibility would be worse than playing the game proper. It would be BORING. In a good game, players would not want to cheat, because that would destroy the experience and challenge. If you could snap your fingers and watch the credits roll on Halo, that would be silly right? But if you could snap your fingers and give yourself a Hawkmoon or a bunch of glimmer, shit I'd do it. The only way to get a Hawkmoon is through random drops, and glimmer is boring as shit to get. Even snapping my fingers to get a character to level 20, and have the ending instantly play would be preferable, since going through the game again with a low level character and bad weapons isn't that fun. I wouldn't feel robbed of an experience.

Nobody would cheat in Destiny and build bots to play it if it worked like Halo and had a beginning and end, as well as no random progression and item acquisition. People build bots and AI to play Mario because that is an interesting technical and scientific challenge, not because they don;t want to play the game.

There is no sanctity of the game, when Destiny is by and large designed to waste your time with shit that would be better off skipped.

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