Exactly! (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:00 (3446 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing

Some people are forgetting that aspect of what he did here. Maybe he's programmed servos or RaspberryPi's before (or whatever he used) or maybe this was his first thing; either way he probably learned something about robotics and programming, and in all seriousness these kinds of "toy hacks" are very often stepping stones to larger more meaningful breakthroughs later on. This is lateral thinking in fine form, and that's awesome.

I'm crossing my fingers this kid goes on to invent robots that abolish the need for labor. It's a glorious future, comrades!

Only for him - the rest of us are jobless and can't pay for food!

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