
False, as usual, Cody. (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 18:37 (3446 days ago) @ Cody Miller

-People who enter in the codes to unlock all songs in rock band or guitar hero to play with their friends, are by your definition, cheating and robbing themselves of the experience of the game by not playing the story mode to unlock each song, even the ones they don't want to play.

No they are not, because it is frustrating to take rock band over to someone's house, and oops, we don;t have all the songs. The game is about getting good at the songs, not unlocking them.

The game is clearly not about one single thing. It's clearly about unlocking the songs too. It's that type of carrot that entices people to work hard and persevere against the presented challenges to obtain success, and by virtue of success, the ability to unlock more songs. However, acknowledging that this isn't the main appeal to the game, the devs added a cheat code so that the people who want to hop on and play only the songs they like can do so without hurdles.

You and Raga can sit there and scream at my buddy that he's playing the games wrong, and that somehow, (by which neither of you have explained) it is negatively impacting YOUR playing of that game, even though it has ZERO impact on you.

I used to think it didn't have an effect, but it actually can.

Just look at the Mythoclast. That item was designed to be hard to get, and as such really powerful. In a world where it IS hard to get, only a few people have it, and it's not a big deal. But when everybody and their mother was pushing Atheon off the cliff, and tons of people had it, it started getting frustrating for people who were seeing everybody just use it in crucible, and dominating. That's why it got nerfed.

No, it got nerfed because people were obliterating entire teams single-handedly, well before it became a common sight on the battlefield.
The ease with which people were getting it only served to highlight the power it had. It had zero chance of being left as it was, no matter how difficult it was to obtain.

Imagine again if rewards were easily gamed, and everybody had a Gjallarhorn / Black Hammer. Knowing this, the challenge level of future activities would have to be adjusted.

But thankfully, because of RNg, this is not the case. Or rather, this is not the case yet. At some point in the future, maybe everyone will have a Gjallarhorn. I was pleasantly surprised last night when it turned out that everybody in our Raid group had one, and boy did it change the experience when there were four Gjallarhorn shots slamming into Crota simultaneously...

Munky was telling me that as more and more people get Hawkmoon, the more and more likely it is that Bungie will nerf it because it's so dominating in crucible, and everybody would use it.

Because it kills the sandbox. If you were to make weapons a guaranteed drop in any activity, people would gravitate only towards the top-tier weapons, and nothing else. You contradict yourself. On the one hand, you want to be guaranteed a Mythoclast for killing a hard Atheon, but on the other hand you complained that too many people were getting Mythoclasts... Wouldn't one problem cause/be a result of the other?

This is why random acquisition of weapons is stupid. This is why exotics being 'rare' is stupid. If instead the game were designed in such a way that there was a path to all these weapons, then the game could be designed around everybody having them, and be much more 'balanced' in a sense. Exotics could then be exotic in their FUNCTION, not by their rarity, and a wider variety of scenarios and challenges could be constructed, knowing that player would have access to a fuller more diverse arsenal.

Again, a contradiction. Having the highest-tier weapons be a much easier reward would lead to a much narrower arsenal. Who would use any Hand Cannon besides TLW and Hawkmoon? Who would use any sniper besides Praedyth's Revenge/Ice Breaker? Who would use any shotgun besides 4th Horseman or Swordbreaker? Gjallarhorn, Zombie Apocalypse, or Jolder's Hammer?

Either that or the Iron banner act the way it is now allowing you to bring in your weapons, but normal crucible is limited in what weapons you can use (perhaps only what's in the quartermaster's arsenal). PvE would also need content geared towards the people who have everything, locking those who don't out by virtue of them not rolling a good rng.

Praise RNG... Also, since you only called out two things that Revenant said, I take it that you flat-out agree with 80% of his post, admitting that you are 80% wrong.

Cody Was Wrong Rating: 80/100

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