
Smart man automates Destiny grinding (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:55 (3446 days ago) @ Korny
edited by DiscipleN2k, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 16:06

Can you get to level 32 with raid gear that way? Nope. If you want to do Hard mode tomorrow, you had to have gotten to 32 by way of an RNG.

My hunter is just shy of 32, and the only RNG gear I have to show for that are the raid boots. The chest and gauntlets I bought from Iron Banner, and the helmet I got from Xur. Looks like you don't need RNG whatsoever to be ready for Hard Raid.

Unfortunately "Just shy of 32" is still 31. I wish the game gave players credit for their progression through the light levels, but as far as it's concerned, being two light away from 32 is exactly the same as just hitting 31. The chest you got from IB is still going to limit you to 31. Only two of the four 36 light level armor pieces required to get a character to level 32 can be earned outright: The Iron Banner gloves, and one exotic armor piece of your choice. You still have to rely on RNG in the raid to get the other two pieces.

I was lucky enough to make it to 32 this weekend, but not lucky enough to score the raid helmet that would have let me take my Ruin Wings into the hard mode raid and avoid a 12 hour grind in Iron Banner to buy those stupid gloves. :(


Edited to attempt to sound like less of a condescending asshole at the beginning there.

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