
You're doing that thing again. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:12 (3446 days ago) @ Revenant1988
edited by Cody Miller, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:16

-People who enter in the codes to unlock all songs in rock band or guitar hero to play with their friends, are by your definition, cheating and robbing themselves of the experience of the game by not playing the story mode to unlock each song, even the ones they don't want to play.

No they are not, because it is frustrating to take rock band over to someone's house, and oops, we don;t have all the songs. The game is about getting good at the songs, not unlocking them.

You and Raga can sit there and scream at my buddy that he's playing the games wrong, and that somehow, (by which neither of you have explained) it is negatively impacting YOUR playing of that game, even though it has ZERO impact on you.

I used to think it didn't have an effect, but it actually can.

Just look at the Mythoclast. That item was designed to be hard to get, and as such really powerful. In a world where it IS hard to get, only a few people have it, and it's not a big deal. But when everybody and their mother was pushing Atheon off the cliff, and tons of people had it, it started getting frustrating for people who were seeing everybody just use it in crucible, and dominating. That's why it got nerfed.

Imagine again if rewards were easily gamed, and everybody had a Gjallarhorn / Black Hammer. Knowing this, the challenge level of future activities would have to be adjusted.

Munky was telling me that as more and more people get Hawkmoon, the more and more likely it is that Bungie will nerf it because it's so dominating in crucible, and everybody would use it.

This is why random acquisition of weapons is stupid. This is why exotics being 'rare' is stupid. If instead the game were designed in such a way that there was a path to all these weapons, then the game could be designed around everybody having them, and be much more 'balanced' in a sense. Exotics could then be exotic in their FUNCTION, not by their rarity, and a wider variety of scenarios and challenges could be constructed, knowing that player would have access to a fuller more diverse arsenal.

Either that or the Iron banner act the way it is now allowing you to bring in your weapons, but normal crucible is limited in what weapons you can use (perhaps only what's in the quartermaster's arsenal). PvE would also need content geared towards the people who have everything, locking those who don't out by virtue of them not rolling a good rng.

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