
Smart man automates Destiny grinding (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:14 (3446 days ago) @ Mid7night

His Reddit post seems to say he did it because he found the process of leveling his 2nd character "joyless"

That's sad, or maybe interesting. I think the two best points in Destiny are the level 1 to 20 climb since you get something new every mission or two, and when you get near the current max level since for a time you are king of the world. *Holds out arms, closes eyes, and leans forward*

Recently I've been leveling up my third character and it's that sudden stop where you've hit 20 but you have no marks, no faction reputation, and no real way to get enough of either for (perhaps) literally days of play that frustrates me. That frustration lasted until I got to level 26 and could finally do any normal task I wanted again. (Basically including and up to all the strike playlists)

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