
Ragashigo confirmed Statist (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:53 (3539 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

You've yet to provide any reason his cheating hurts anyone or the sanctity of the game.

Pretty hard to do when, by your definition, "the sanctity of the game" isn't blemished by someone earning rewards and levels while they sleep. It's an interactive game meant to be played by an attentive person. Where are you going to draw the line? Why even build the robot or turn on the Xbox? He could just hack the Destiny servers and just give himself the same level 20 character and thousands of Glimmer and it would still seem to maintain your idea of "the sanctity of the game."

I say that any cheating violates the sanctity of the game. That the line must be drawn here. This far and no further. I may not be able to make him pay for what he has done, but I can be legitimately and rationally against it.

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