
Smart man automates Destiny grinding (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:58 (3539 days ago) @ ckamp

Or... different people find different things frustrating. Some people like progressively building their characters. Others hate it and they find ways around it. Fair play. We're all shaped in different ways and we will react differently to various stimuli.

I just recently built up a third character and I had a blast getting it to level 31. There was a real challenge as I played the game on difficulties just outside of my range with abilities that were lacking. It forced me to be innovative, and when I finally reached the stage where I could crush those enemies easily, I had fun doing that too.

I also don't begrudge someone building a robot. They clearly enjoy other parts of the game more. It would only be a problem if it created some sort of imbalance in the world. As such, it does not.

I am the type of player that loves to feel progress. I never grinded in this fashion. I just played the game in a way I thought was fun. I think this is the crux of the issue. Different people want different things out of the game. Clearly there is something you find enjoyable about the game, but it is buried in mechanics that you don't enjoy. Other people, well, they do enjoy them. Just because a skinner box exists doesn't mean it is at the cost of fun.

You contribute a lot to the community and you have a sharp mind. At the same time, you tend to universalize your experience of the world. As much as you may think you know what is best for people, you are limited because your brain neurons are wired in ways that are totally different from others. The stimuli that hits you as fun is going to be different than that which triggers the "fun" in others. People often say that you should try to see things from the other person's point of view. This is laudable, but it is also impossible. The best we can do it reach approximations of what we think that person may be experiencing.

I'm not sure I have a succinct point. I just think you'd get farther if you stopped assuming you knew the best way to get everyone the most fun they could get. You don't know how to do that, and in fact, it is impossible for you to know it.

I like you more and more.

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