
I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point. (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:15 (3538 days ago) @ iconicbanana

A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience. In most games, skipping to the last level with invincibility would be worse than playing the game proper. It would be BORING. In a good game, players would not want to cheat, because that would destroy the experience and challenge.

This was all I agreed with. It might be one of the more objective things he's ever said.

But it's not.

First off, setting up a servo so spam melee and shoot on your controller in a solo mission, with no other players, is not cheating. Just like shooting into a loot cave is not cheating.

Is it fun? Well, you have to ask the individuals DOING it, and WHY they are doing it.

This guy with the controller didn't indicate (unless I missed it) that he did it because Destiny is such a grind to him- he did it as a way to keep playing when he isn't playing.

I'm not saying that -I- would do what he's doing, because to me it sounds pointless, but hey, more power to him. It's his prerogative. He's not crapping on my picnic, so, go nuts.

"A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience."

I got 4 of my buds, we want to play rock band. Well, fuck me, I don't have the songs unlocked.The game didn't rob us of that fun (I guess technically I did?), or maybe it did by not having them unlocked from the git go- DOESN'T MATTER-

The people WHO ENJOY the chase, will call me bad words because I used a cheat code.

The people WHO DON'T like the chase, and want to hop in and go, will want to know how I did it.

Getting into arguments with Cody is a fools errand, because you're arguing subjectivity.

But goddamnit if I just can't help myself, I like to debate!

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