
False, as usual, Cody. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 19:25 (3531 days ago) @ Korny

How would you fix the Destiny sandbox so that there are no top-tier weapons?

I don't know all the answers. It's going to be different for PvE and PvP, which is also why it's an extra handicap given that weapons have to not be overpowered in either.

I would start by having fewer weapons. A lot fewer. If you look at Halo 1, every weapon except the needler has a place in the game and a spot where it's useful. Of course in Multiplayer the pistol dominated.

To Bungie's credit, the types of weapons seem relatively equal in PvP, pulse rifles excepted. There's a reason to use fusion rifles over shotguns for example. So the balancing would have to be making sure that no fusion rifle is better in every situation than any other fusion rifle.

It's a super hard job, but the bottom line would be fewer weapons, more differences between weapons, and more diversity of situations in both PvE and PvP to bring out the usefulness of those differences. The differences have to manifest themselves in advantages in common situations. This is probably easier in PvE, which is why in my world regular crucible would be Quartermaster gear only, and Iron banner when you bring your own guns in. (However Iron banner would always be running).

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