
Smart man automates Destiny grinding (Destiny)

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:56 (3538 days ago) @ Claude Errera

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

Let's change that 'some' to 'one', okay? He's the first guy any of us has heard of doing this. With a 10 million player userbase, that's... hmm...

.00001% of the players (so far).

(I'm just saying - please don't try and draw any general conclusions from this. Which is what you just did. :) )

Yes, he's the first we've heard of building a servo-bot like this, but he's not the first to think of ways around the "standard" pathway, and he's definitely not the first one to be frustrated by the slow progression of alt-characters. He's just the first to think, literally, outside the (X)box. Just because we haven't heard of anyone else building bots doesn't mean we can't deduce that this might be a preferable method for more than just ONE in 10-million.

Maybe I should've said "might be" or "could be" instead of "IS", but I think that's a bit hair-splitting. From what I know of you, I'm fairly certain you're not worried I speak for you, so I'm now more curious why my statement bothered you so.... ?

It's less about WHAT he did, as WHY he did it. You drew a conclusion that the reason to do this is because the system is frustratingly broken, I can think of a LOT of reasons to do it that DON'T involve holding that opinion. (Some people do cool things because they can.)

Sure, other people have found ways around the normal game progression, and sure, some of them have said they've done this because they find the progression frustrating or boring. I didn't really like seeing this guy classed in with them, is all. It's not the same at all.

His Reddit post seems to say he did it because he found the process of leveling his 2nd character "joyless": "when I went to level up my titan it felt so joyless. So this popped into my head as a fun little challenge."

So while he did do it somewhat just to see if he could, it was also because he didn't want to grind through the lower level stuff again.

What I was trying to say is that this wouldn't have been tried if the progression-system wasn't frustrating or boring. If he hadn't found the leveling-process "joyless", he most likely never would've had this idea because he wouldn't have had a reason to. Not that there aren't other reasons to do something like this, but in this case the game-frustrations WERE the initial impetus to think differently.

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