
I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point. (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:18 (3538 days ago) @ Revenant1988

I got 4 of my buds, we want to play rock band. Well, fuck me, I don't have the songs unlocked.The game didn't rob us of that fun (I guess technically I did?), or maybe it did by not having them unlocked from the git go- DOESN'T MATTER-

The people WHO ENJOY the chase, will call me bad words because I used a cheat code.

The people WHO DON'T like the chase, and want to hop in and go, will want to know how I did it.

See, here you've changed the conditions of the game; you're playing a different game. It's no longer about progressing through the game, it's about playing with friends. But there's still challenge and conditions of failure.

Cody was arguing that removing the conditions of failure is what robs you of the challenge, and that as such, you aren't really playing a game anymore.

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