
Smart man automates Destiny grinding (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:59 (3446 days ago) @ ckamp

Or... different people find different things frustrating. Some people like progressively building their characters. Others hate it and they find ways around it. Fair play. We're all shaped in different ways and we will react differently to various stimuli.

I don't think anyone would hate progressively building their characters if:

1. The requirement for progression is fun.
2. The requirement for progression is not random.
3. The progression makes the player make interesting choices about their progression.

I know I keep going back to deus Ex, but it has done this better than any game ever, and I don't know why people use shitty progression systems when Deus Ex had a superior one 15 years ago.

If you don't know, there are two ways to progress your character in Deus Ex: skills and augmentations. Skills are advanced with exp, and augmentations are acquired with specific augmentation canisters, and advanced with an augmentation advancement item.

You get exp just by completing the challenges in the game. You also get exp by exploring, solving problems in alternate ways, and by doing sidequests. There is a set amount you can get; you cannot grind exp and max everything out. This is great because it encourages exploration, alternative problem solving, and forces you to make important choices about your character because you only get a set amount.

Augmentation canisters are found by exploring the world and doing side quests. Many are only accessible if you are skilled in certain areas, such as lockpicking, hacking etc, or else are just easier to get that way. Augmentation canisters give you one of two augmentations, so they are mutually exclusive and you have to make a choice. Again, you cannot deck your character out with all the augmentations.

There is a feedback system, because your skills help you do things to get augmentation canisters, and your augmentations can help you take routes or do side quests which net you exp.

This only works because the game is so wonderfully designed to allow for a wide variety of skill and aug choices to be fun to play. Every area of the game has numerous ways to complete it, many of which require creative use of skills and augs. Thus there really isn't a BEST choice, because most combinations and focuses offer unique experiences.

Which goes back to your point of everybody being different, and so you can play the game how you want.

It's beautiful, and makes Destiny's progression and character skill choice system look like a snap together model, as opposed to Deus Ex which is a workshop full of raw materials.

The worst progression systems are primarily about power. The best, are about variety.

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