
What the heck guys!? Obviously it's... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, November 20, 2017, 15:32 (2660 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Nah. My revised, updated, deleted, undeleted, rerevised grand theory is the wave of Light crosses all points in the universe at the same time, we just see it in 5 or whatever views for dramatic effect. :p

So I've considered this as the most likely scenario and also how I would have wanted to show it, visually, if I were the director here.

One option is to just have the screen flash white and then fade to normal, with a little light residue around each of the guardians and ghosts. Then you show that flash from ever widening views. There'd have to be a discussion about how big the flash is - is the universe flashing, or is the traveler flashing - which would determine whether you were seeing the whole screen flash in each view or seeing only the traveler flash (but very brightly). Without a visible corona of spreading light. Very similar to what we saw, but different enough to not make it seem like the camera is tracking the spread of the light, as it currently seems.

Another option would be to animate the light returning, using the same sort of schematic type animations Destiny has always used. This would make a lot of sense to me, though it would necessitate a narrator (Ghost?) to explain, which means the narrator would also need to at least pretend to understand what had happened.

And yet a third would have been to forego the bright flash outside of the galaxy altogether, and just show a screen with a blinking dot, and then the spaceships waking up and moving. We'd understand they'd sensed it somehow.

Probably a myriad of other options.

Cannon-wise, I'm sure the light traveled instantaneously. It's simply the visual representation of it in game that makes me want to slap my forehead.

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