
Finished. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, November 17, 2017, 17:27 (2663 days ago) @ Korny

I "finished" it in the sense that I beat the main story of the expansion. I haven't done much of the side stuff yet, but I'll get back in maybe this weekend. I want to drain the facility that one woman was talking about.

I also am curious what CYAN has to say if you revisit her at points in the main story. I played the expansion in my NG+ play through, in which I haven't even visited Meridian yet, so Aloy hasn't encountered much yet. With CYAN saying should would be eager to talk if you revisit her, I wonder if she'll have any revelations about other things that happen in the main story of the base game. I'll find out at some point, as I continue my play through.

Also, this GIF really shows off just how ridiculously amazing the game looks:


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