
Curse of Osiris is looking good! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, November 18, 2017, 10:05 (2662 days ago) @ Kahzgul

...even a semblance of realism.

Yeah... I think you’ve taken things too far. That wave of space magic? That we’ve seen exactly once in this universe? We don’t know how it works or moves or propagates. You’re imposing rules of realism on something whose rules you have no way of knowing.

We’re talking about a universe where those 500+ years dead are brought back to life, where our Guardians jump three stories in the air and spontaneously manafest the destructive power of a small bomb, where our Jumpships not only break orbit with astonishing ease, they travel across the solar system in what seems to be minutes or hours. None of that fits with the known laws of our universe either. Are you going to start a topic on each of those things next?

The cutscene did it job and it did it in a visually spectacular style. If that wave of Light was left unclear or if it simply didn’t matter, then sure, the cutscene would deserve criticism. But Bungie has now stated that the pyramid ships waking up will be important to the story in a few years and that the Light passing over Mercury plays a part in the Vex’s plans in Curse of Osiris.

At the end of the day, you’re being nitpicky in the extreme about something you have no real justification to be nitpicky about.

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