
Finished. (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Sunday, November 19, 2017, 14:09 (2661 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I "finished" it in the sense that I beat the main story of the expansion. I haven't done much of the side stuff yet, but I'll get back in maybe this weekend. I want to drain the facility that one woman was talking about.

I really enjoyed the side quests in Frozen Wilds, and made a point to do them all before I beat it. There aren't too many, but they're all worth doing. Almost all of them made me chuckle with the dialogue, and then surprised me with the gameplay.

I also am curious what CYAN has to say if you revisit her at points in the main story. I played the expansion in my NG+ play through, in which I haven't even visited Meridian yet, so Aloy hasn't encountered much yet. With CYAN saying should would be eager to talk if you revisit her, I wonder if she'll have any revelations about other things that happen in the main story of the base game. I'll find out at some point, as I continue my play through.

I was at the final story mission when I started Frozen Wilds, so Aloy is pretty well versed in everything so far, so there were some neat things that she discusses with CYAN. It's sadly not as in-depth and revelatory as I'd hoped, but it makes sense story-wise, since CYAN was put into Standby before Zero Dawn, without ever really knowing what was going on. That said, she does have a unique perspective, all things considered, so I ended up liking her as a character, and I really hope we get more from her down the road, especially given the fact that she's going to become a part of the Banuk culture... the more I think about her potential as a future character, the more excited I am.

Also, this GIF really shows off just how ridiculously amazing the game looks:


I'm on my Ultra Hard runthrough, and I spent well over two hours simply hunting and fishing, since I never bothered to fully upgrade my carrying capacities, and you have to depend on potions quite a bit now (especially since I don't believe in MIDA Shield Weaver armor). Hunting animals helps give you time to appreciate how gorgeous the environments are, since you spend most of your time off of the marked trails, (And the nature of UH requires you to be pretty aware of your environments and alternate routes anyway).

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