
Raid Lairs - I hate inventing a word to describe something (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 18:23 (2665 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Need more info!

Here’s my problem with your posts on this issue so far. You say you need more info, but, if I understand you correctly, you did not watch the stream and are getting the entirety of your info from a short, four paragraph article. You didn’t ask for people’s impressions of the steam’s contents. You didn’t ask if the article left anything out. You went straight to “Whosamawhatsits” “Gizmojigger” and “Persplunken”.

I will personally go far out of my way to answer any legitimate question you or anyone else has. If you want quotes, I’ll happily get them for you. If you want general impressions, I’ll do my best to provide a fair analysis of what was said. And if you don’t trust me or you hold contempt for me for things I’ve done in the past, well, I know a few others around here were watching the stream and they would also happily answer your questions and provide you with more details than you may have had time to read / watch / listen to on your own.

Here’s my take on these Raid Lairs:

Each Raid Lair will probably offer decent challenges but may also be pretty short, especially later on once the challenges are mastered. From what the Bungie designers said, I would expect something along the lines of two encounters somewhat less challenging than the main three of the full Raid, and a boss fight on par with that of the Raid. I say this because while they mentioned having challenges that were more puzzle based and challenges that were more sandbox based, they also clearly indicated that the Raid Lairs were, at least in part, meant to be for players who did not always have the time to commit to the full Raid each week. They did not, however, say much of anything to indicate that the boss fight would be of reduced difficulty or challenge.

Personally, if each Raid Lair is two decent challenges and a decently complex boss fight then I will be fine with them. If I am correct, then by the spring, we’ll have seven unique Raid-level challenges and three Raid-level final encounters. All in all, I consider that none too shabby from the 1st half year of Destiny 2. And really, if there’s anywhere where Destiny has been consistent so far, it’s been the Raids. Some don’t like this Raid or that Raid as much, but the Raid content has always been good. Hopefully, these Raid Lairs won’t tarnish that legacy.

Let's please not make personal attacks our modus operandi again. We were doing so well.

I thought long and hard about how to respond to this... I pondered how much you really feel you were being attacked vs how much you think you now have some clever lever to be used against me... I also tried to look at my post in the context of some of our past altercations where I did go to far. My response to you is this:

1. I am entirely comfortable with how I addressed you. We both know you could have stated your concerns about the Raid Lairs with much more tact and much less unnecessary hyperbole. I called you out on that, and I will do so in the future in a similar manner without remorse.

2. For what little it may be worth, even if you really did perceive what I said as a personal attack, that was not my intent. When you actually try, you can make a compelling argument. The recent thread about loot boxes vs addiction comes to mind. I encourage you to reign in the cynicism a little and cut out the hyperbole as much as you can. If you do so, you will find me agreeing with you and supporting your arguments far more often that you might expect.

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