
+100 (Destiny)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 14:55 (2665 days ago) @ Korny

Lost Sectors!
Dungeons, like Horizon Zero Dawn's awesome Cauldrons that reward explorers with a challenging experience in a gorgeous hidden environment, and a tougher boss fight with unique rewards!
Reality: A cave. Kind of like in Skyrim, but with a single cache at the end that unlocks after killing the only Yellow bar enemy in the room.

i haven't played HZD, but i had in mind Tombs from the Tomb Raider reboot. nice little side areas that had various mechanics you had to solve in order to complete them.

EDIT: i also didn't expect for all of them (and the golden chests) to be on the map. Though i rarely use the map (since you can't place custom waypoints), and have done found most of them by dumb luck.

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