
Raid Lairs - I hate inventing a word to describe something (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 19:31 (2665 days ago) @ Kahzgul

No, we know that a Raid Lair is a 6 player activity with Raid-level challenge occupying a shorter intended timeframe. So, to say we don't know what it is I cannot accept.

If that's the case (and I have no reason to believe it isn't), why not call it a Raid and just say it's smaller and shorter than the Raid from vanilla D2? I feel like dance around terms like "Raid Content" and "Raid Lair" is some kind of legalese way of saying "we never expressly told you it would be a Raid, per se" and that bothers me.

In the stream, they did a segment on the Mercury Destination, took a break to switch developers in the interview chairs, then DeeJ started the segment on the Raid Lairs by saying something along the lines of “We’ve gotten a lot of questions about what “Raid content” means.” Then they talked about what it means to the extent that we now know:

- They aren’t adding onto the original Raid or swapping out segments for new segments.
- They aren’t intending these Raid Lairs to be of the same length or scope as a full Raid.
- They are promising to provide Raid-level content in terms of difficulty and creativity.

No, they didn’t contrast its length in measurable terms to past Destiny Raids. They didn’t detail the encounters beyond saying some would be more puzzle based and some would be more sandbox based. But they’ve never shown us the encounters in the past either and all the previous Raids turned out more or less all right.

Yes, it was frustrating when they kept saying “raid activities” or “raid content” the past few weeks without even attempting to clarify what that meant, but now they have clarified it. There’s no legalese here. No deception. No one is pretending these Raid Lairs are full Raids.

Why not just call it a Raid? Because that would be worse. Even if these Raid Lairs turn out to be ever so slightly glorified Strikes, at least going forward we will know that when Bungie said Raid they mean Raid and when they say Raid Lair they mean Glorified Strike. Isn’t that better than calling everything a Raid and us having less of an idea about what we’re really getting?

If they had gone right on calling it “raid content” like the did at first you would have a point. There would have still been an unacceptable level of opacity. I didn’t like how they did that either. But now they have provided a not insignificant amount of clarification. It’s time to drop the conspiracy theories. At least until you are proven right all along...

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