
Asking the real question here (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, November 17, 2017, 13:48 (2663 days ago) @ Xenos

Right, and at the first one one of the D1 missions, our Ghost even tells us that the Traveler stopped the Vex from finishing converting Venus into one of their machine worlds... and that's pretty much all we've heard about that.

What seems to have happened in order is:

- Traveler arrives in our Solar System and terraforms several planets and moons including Mercury.
- The Ishtar Collective finds Vex ruins on terraformed Venus and begins to study them and one or more captured Vex units. The IC team finds out that they had it backwards and it's more like the Vex were studying them by simulating them several times over! The IC team breaks free of the Vex simulations with the help of a (the?) Warmind.
- This Ishtar Collective team returns to the Vex ruins to unleash their digital copies of themselves into the Vex network. They approach via primitive remote controlled Exo bodies.
- Sometime later the Vex wake up, convert Mercury from a Garden World to a Vex World. Humanity engages the Vex with Frames and Exos since the Vex and their structures have strange and potentially fatal effects on biological humans.
- The Traveler intervenes and somehow ends the Vex uprising which pauses their attempted takeover of Venus until well after the Collapse. We stop that takeover again during the Venus Strike in D1.

There's just very little else to go on so far. Hopefully a good bit of the Golden Age war against the Vex gets filled in... because that sounds cool!

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