
+100 (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 14:47 (2665 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Apparently a "Raid Lair" is not a "Raid" though it does allow for 6 players at once, which makes it "Raid Content."

Bungie, please just use real, already existing terms to describe things. Using made-up things as selling points is tantamount to saying your expansion will have 3 Whosamawhatsits! And a Gizmojigger! One Persplunken! Collect 5 sets of Pishposh!

It's meaningless without context. Please explain. Stuff like this is why people overhype products; they don't have enough information to fill in the blanks so their imaginations run wild.

Lost Sectors!
Dungeons, like Horizon Zero Dawn's awesome Cauldrons that reward explorers with a challenging experience in a gorgeous hidden environment, and a tougher boss fight with unique rewards!
Reality: A cave. Kind of like in Skyrim, but with a single cache at the end that unlocks after killing the only Yellow bar enemy in the room.


Expectation:Warframe's Tactical Alerts that help funnel players to tougher, but more rewarding experiences on each planet, with guaranteed drops at the end, and an incentive to help others get through before time is up!
Reality: Sometimes, an extra yellow bar enemy spawns during a Public event, and he drops one Token...

Clarion Calls!

Expectation: It's just a double XP thing, isn't it?
Reality: It's just a double XP thing.

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