
Managing expectations. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, November 16, 2017, 14:35 (2664 days ago) @ cheapLEY

If they called it a Raid and delivered anything less than a full Raid, we'd be back at square one with Bungie over-promising and under-delivering. I'm completely okay with them coming up with new terms to describe new things if it's in the name of reigning in expectations.

You're point about not enough info still stands, I think, but does that really matter right now? The expansion is still a month away, and if you legitimately feel you don't have enough info by the time it releases, it will take all of 24 hours before you can turn to the community to explain what it is so you can make a decision.

I guess some might disagree, but Bungie legitimately has a difficult job when it comes to this sort of thing. Destiny is much better the less the player knows (in my opinion). Discovering things is a huge part of the fun. So saying they're giving us Raid-lites is pretty vague, but I'm not sure that giving more detail than that is necessary.

I completely agree with you here. My concern is how they are hyping a term that we don't have enough information to parse. That's it. I don't like seeing "get hyped about (Term)" when I don't have enough information to know what that term really means, and it's a bad habit bungie has had in D2's marketing imo. According to this past stream, the next one will go deeper into detail on the raid lair, so hopefully they get us the info I'm looking for then.

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