
Raid Lairs - I hate inventing a word to describe something (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 15:38 (2665 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Apparently a "Raid Lair" is not a "Raid" though it does allow for 6 players at once, which makes it "Raid Content."

Bungie, please just use real, already existing terms to describe things. Using made-up things as selling points is tantamount to saying your expansion will have 3 Whosamawhatsits! And a Gizmojigger! One Persplunken! Collect 5 sets of Pishposh!

It's meaningless without context. Please explain. Stuff like this is why people overhype products; they don't have enough information to fill in the blanks so their imaginations run wild.

Did you even watch the stream?

Because, your hyperbole is unnecessary seeing as they gave a pretty good explanation.

I read the linked article in the OP. I guess it didn't include information that was in the stream?

- New puzzle encounters in new sections of the Leviathan that end with a new boss fight.
- Not as big as the full Raid but still very challenging.
- The term "you will die a lot" was repeated a few times.

No, no, the article said all of those things. They're vague. "New puzzle encounters that end in a boss fight." I'm assuming this means there's some levers to pull and a jumping puzzle and then one guy to fight, like a 6-player lost sector. But that's because I'm now a cynic when it comes to Destiny. It could be twenty encounters on par with unlocking that awesome pulse rifle in the SIVA raid followed by a boss fight that is chosen from a possible list of 100 different and fully realized encounters. Unlikely, but my point is that what they told us is too vague to understand what they're trying to sell us will be.

Not as big as the raid tells me the map area is literally smaller, but it could mean that there are 3 total encounters instead of 5, or it could be exactly the same map as the raid, minus the encounter rooms (technically "smaller")... This is more information than the "new encounters and a boss" tidbit, because there's at least a point of comparison, but - again - not enough info. It could also be MUCH smaller, like saying my car is smaller than Earth. I'm hoping that's not the case, and that they used the raid for comparison because it's the closest in size space they can use for comparison, but if the raid lair turns out to be smaller than the tower, I'll be upset, even though Bungie - technically - didn't lie when they said it was smaller than the raid. Need more info!

Dying a lot doesn't make a game fun or good or even challenging. Maybe (hopefully) the raid lair is all of those things. Or there could just be a room where 90% of the time you die, and you have to just keep running through until you live. This is the height of non-information.

Honestly, your behavior here is... not good. At the very least you could have asked if there was any context instead of posting whatever that was. :(

Let's please not make personal attacks our modus operandi again. We were doing so well.

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