
What the heck guys!? Obviously it's... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, November 20, 2017, 13:37 (2660 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

...Space Magic.

I don't know how you guys didn't know that. It explains everything.


I only half jest. I don't know why most of us are assuming this explosion from the traveler is something we could even understand. Why can't people just give in to Destiny and believe in space magic? I mean that's basically what the traveler is to us as Guardians.

This is coming from a software Engineer and a very logical guy. I love things getting explained, but sometimes I feel like you just need to let things go and believe in space magic.

The thing that gets me isn't whether or not it's space magic, it's that shot to shot it's not consistent. The internal logic of the game fails, and that irks me. Someone (raga?) argued that the shots might be timewarped to show matching rates of acceleration regardless of the camera's frame, but that's both absurd and there's direct evidence to the contrary since other, non-traveler-light objects are still moving seemingly normally.

I'm not complaining that the light exists or asking for its nature to be explained. I'm fine with the enigmatic and all-powerful Traveler existing in this universe.

What bothers me, from purely a storytelling standpoint, is that Bungie is making the same thing (in this case, traveler's light) behave differently at different times (and I'm being generous; they're doing it shot to shot to shot, all back to back to back in this cutscene). That's just sloppy work. It's minor, but it's annoying.

I would make a similar post if Ikora suddenly and without in-game explanation started speaking in a man's voice, for example.

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