
Raid Lairs - I hate inventing a word to describe something (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 15:05 (2665 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Apparently a "Raid Lair" is not a "Raid" though it does allow for 6 players at once, which makes it "Raid Content."

Reserving judgement but my initial reactions are:

-Nobody wants raid Lairs instead of raids. In addition sure, but not a replacement.

I do. And I know for sure that my brother does. I've shown him and have tried raids with him. He hates raids, but loves Horde modes, Nightfalls, platforming, etc.
I want variety. I want extended platforming sections. I don't want more coordination-heavy events or damage window bosses.

I liked Prison of Elders despite its flaws. I want ODST's Firefight in D2. I want them to expand the existing planet's patrol areas (the Lake of Shadows strike even has a large explorable area that is not used at any point in the game, so it looks like Bungie will be doing this in the future).

-You have three studios working on this game, so lack of resources is an unacceptable excuse for a lack of raid.

You act as though having a raid for every expansion should be mandatory. I'm glad that Bungie and their fellow devs know better than to do that.

-We should move forward and not revisit old stuff. We should be done with Calus' ship.

Wrong again, IMO. I want them to continue to refine things that work. I want them to bring back old armors, unique D1 exotics, and eventually I hope that we can revisit the Dreadnaught, Dead Space 2 style.

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