
Raid Lairs - I hate inventing a word and not describing it (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, November 16, 2017, 10:53 (2664 days ago) @ Harmanimus

Bungie is using "this new term" because it is for something new. If Mars, Inc. releases a new flavor of skittles, they are going to give them a qualifier. Is saying "Tropical Skittles" sketchy as hell to describe what are ostensibly just Skittles, but with a different flavor?

The use of Raid Lair is not some double speak. It is straight up so people who overreact to the words as written outside of context don't assume that it is a full brand new Raid. Any confusion regarding this term I would surmise is built by you, and not by Bungie. Pretty sure the new term is to temper expectations, not to lie to the player base.

I get that and I have no problem with bungie using a new term to describe something new. Thanks to the discussion here, I've been able to hone my concern to something more accurate: Bungie is hyping a new term without adequately describing it. That's what bugs me. The term is almost meaningless right now, given how little information they've given us, and yet they still insist on using it as a marketing pitch. That opens the door for rampant and unwarranted speculation, which Bungie has historically not denied.

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