your off your game Cody (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 19:18 (2665 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Apparently a "Raid Lair" is not a "Raid" though it does allow for 6 players at once, which makes it "Raid Content."

Reserving judgement but my initial reactions are:

-Nobody wants raid Lairs instead of raids. In addition sure, but not a replacement.
-People like to raid in new places. Why are we not raiding on Mercury given the story?
-You have three studios working on this game, so lack of resources is an unacceptable excuse for a lack of raid.
-We should move forward and not revisit old stuff. We should be done with Calus' ship.

Begging for more content is lliterally the most boring criticism you can level. I know you can do better.

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