
As long as it isn't Greg Bear or C.S. Goto (Destiny)

by Durandal, Thursday, February 18, 2016, 13:19 (3050 days ago) @ Quirel

I think there is an attempt to conflate people's work with the opinion of that person. Ideas, and work, can and should stand on their own.

For example, I'm certain I can find someone at Bungie, perhaps several people, who hold political and ethical ideas different, even antithetical to my own. I can still look upon Destiny, Marathon, Myth, etc. as good games.

Likewise I can go to a bakery and buy a cake from someone who doesn't agree with my politics.

People are going to disagree with you. If you are in a place where everyone thinks and believes the same, with no discussion or debate, there is something wrong.

You are free not to associate with someone whom you disagree with, but I think people are really trying hard of late to make little intellectual walled gardens carefully weeded of all inconvenient thoughts and opinions, obsessing over everything that makes someone different.

Instead you should emphasize the things you have in common. I have gay cousins, but like Mr. Card I believe homosexuality is disordered. I can sit down with them and have dinner and we can talk about thinks without thinking that either side arguing in bad faith. My Aunt is a pacifist who hates guns and would see them all banned. I used to have a job test firing .50 cals. She get's exasperated with me at times but we still see each other over Christmas.

There are ideas that require confrontation, actions that must be answered, but science fiction books or video games seldom rise to that level.

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