
I KNOW! (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, February 18, 2016, 01:30 (3041 days ago) @ Funkmon

The council of Elrond is seriously my favourite part of any book. Ever.

I think we may be in the minority, there. I've heard and read from many hardcore Tolkien fans that think the Council of Elrond is awful and that it is bad story telling and bad writing. I can see their point, in that it is basically the definition of telling and not showing, but I think it is a huge testament to the world that Tolkien built that I would not mind if that chapter was four times longer than it was.

World-building is a large part of why I enjoy the first half of Fellowship more than anything (I love every bit of it). There's something very comforting to me about reading about the Hobbits in the Shire, and their stay with Bombadil (and their stay in Rivendell).

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