The Stand? (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 02:14 (3052 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I'd have never read many of Stephen King's good novels, because I hated the first one I read (I can't even remember which one that was. The Stand, I think.).

It would be pretty weird to like Stephen King but hate The Stand. Which ones do you like?

To be fair, I never finished The Stand. The idea was intriguing, but after over 200 pages without anything of real consequence happening (I feel like he was still setting up characters at that point, but it's been a while), I got bored. I also don't remember for sure, but I think I may have had the extended version.

I like most of his books that have been made into films. The Shining is one of my favorites (and Doctor Sleep is up there, too). Honestly, I like his short stories much, much more than any of his novels, except for The Shining.

Is The Stand really that good? It's been about a decade since I tried to read it, so maybe I should give it another shot sometime.

As an aside, I really enjoyed all of his son's novels.

EDIT: I got curious and looked up if Joe Hill (his son, for those unaware) had released any new books since I read his last one, and he is releasing The Fireman this year, which he says his version The Stand. Heh. Maybe I'll like that one better . . .

I got hooked by his short stories when I was pretty young (14 or 15, I think), and moved on to other stuff; he became one of my favorite writers. The Stand is fantastic, but you're right -it's very very long. :)

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