
Children, children... Both of you need to cool off... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 23:51 (3041 days ago) @ Avateur
edited by Korny, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 23:56

You're both being "petulant" right now.

Be a bit more constructive with your dialogue instead of attacking each other's character and irrationality.
Focusing on the topic at hand, I think we've yet to see what's going on. A guy isn't hired because he sucks at everything that he does, so clearly someone up at the top has faith in this guy's work. At the same time, a bad job can give people valid reason to worry about that person's future efforts.

That said, I'm no fan of this guy's work, but Bungie has shown that they've definitely taken story/storytelling criticisms to heart, so let's wait and see what happens before we start crying about how much the sky is falling.

Be civil and reasonable, guys. <3

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