
As long as it isn't Greg Bear or C.S. Goto (Destiny)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Thursday, February 18, 2016, 02:47 (3041 days ago) @ General Vagueness

The article writer went through... almost a crisis of faith or identity, because they couldn't like and respect their literary hero any more, but they couldn't stop liking his books, and eventually came around to the position that you can still like someone's work even if you don't like the author.

I think that's true, and that's how I try to treat some creators of things I like, but I also think for most people it feels like doublethink (understandably, because most artists put pieces of themselves into their work), and I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't want to put in the effort to have that state of mind. I also think some issues are too important to ignore (not to say that this is necessarily one of them, but they exist).

I think most people do OK with that. The related but different distinction I see people having trouble with - and OSC is an example of this - is thinking that you can like someone's work and still not want to patronize it.

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