
I'm sorry (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 19:12 (3042 days ago) @ Quirel

But I just can't get behind the whole nuke exploding right next to the Chief and Cortana "magically" saving him. As far as trying to make the Chief and Cortana like real people, I don't remember it feeling that way to me. To each his own though.

There are two stories in Halo 4. There's the emotional character story between the Chief and Cortana, and then there's the rather mindless action story that involves nukes and Forerunner generals and enslaved souls bound into techno-thralls.

Schlerf wrote the former, and had to fight hard to keep that plot from being left on the cutting room floor. I think he'll be a good match for Bungie.

I'd like this to be true because I feel the same way
the implied romance was... not the right move to me, but most of their interaction was just two people who depended on each other
that said, I think the self-sacrifice-- by both of them-- was not a bad idea, it was just badly executed (I seriously wondered for a bit if they went completely off the rails and the Chief was in some kind of afterlife, because all I saw was him and some ethereal blue particle effect)

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