
Truth ^^^ Why don't they just put the grimoire team on it? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 16:26 (3043 days ago) @ Funkmon

The grimoires have been quality goods since day 1 (though I still say they should be an actual part of the actual game, but I digress).

Here's how I view the quality of destiny's writing:

- Day 1 Destiny: 1/10. There are words spoken, and some of them make sense (not all of them though), but they're mostly bad jokes with poor timing or statements along the lines of "I could tell you... but I won't" which is a cop out of the worst kind.

- Dark Below: 3/10. Hey look, there's 1 character in Destiny now who has personality! But seriously, still no actual explanation and a lot of other characters acting like what you're doing is wholly unimportant for unknown reasons.

- House of Wolves: 5/10. Another character with personality and a plot that kind of tracks. How exotic (see what I did there?). And yet the jump from "we've captured skolas" to "now go kill him in this prison" is never explained, nor is the initial event of the wolves escaping/forming in the first place.

- The Taken King: 8/10. VAST improvement. We have some cutscenes to lend credence and import to the story. A backstory of what's going on. Jokes that are funny! Nathan Fillion being awesome! The hero gets to be awesome! The finale feels epic! So much good stuff here. And then, well, then it all completely disappears when you're in the "endgame."

So if I'm being honest, the Destiny writing has been getting steadily better over the life of the game. But let's compare to the grimoire writing:

Day 1: 7/10. None of this makes sense because it all unlocks out of order and without context. And the game is zero help whatsoever for providing that context. But dang, once you unlock it all it actually reads pretty well, provides some good stories, and introduces some key characters who are not in the actual game.

DB, HoW: 8/10. I've got more backstory and context now, and these unlock in order-ish, as you play the sequences missions.

TTK: 9/10. I absolutely love the calcified fragments story. The only reason this isn't 10/10 is that the implementation of the grimoire is still, imo, terrible. I should be able to access these within a terminal in the game. If you can add a bunch of friggin roses to the tower, you can damn well put a terminal in there that lets me read my unlocked grimoire cards. Better yet, hire some voice actors to read them.

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