That's a really pessimistic way of looking at it . . . (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 03:19 (3052 days ago) @ General Vagueness

The closed-mindedness is real. I blame 343 and Halo 4.

It shouldn't be real and it doesn't matter who you blame. Halo 4 has nothing to do with you deciding to take a person's whole career and disclaim it as trash, pre-emptively even.

Whole career? The dude's pretty much only written Halo 4 and some of Escalation as far as video game involvement goes. And Escalation sucked, too, btw. In my opinion, naturally. Unfortunately, I don't have ME: A yet to see how awesome it is. Or maybe it won't be! I can only go based off of the utter disaster that was Halo 4. But as I said to cheapLEY, going from no story to some sort of story surely has to be better than being where we are currently, right?

[from another post]

I'd say that's a pretty fair assessment. Destiny has practically nothing going for it in terms of story right now beyond whatever the Queen and Eris are up to. Maybe it'll work out. Expectations may not be Halo-level, but there are definitely pretty big story expectations due to the large disappointment from the lack thereof in year one.

How does that work? "I'm disappointed in you, so I'm expecting great things."

While the Destiny-web as a whole loves to complain endlessly about Destiny, one of the biggest (and by far most legitimate complaints) has been the complete and utter lack of story in Destiny. People have been extremely disappointed by it, and the thought is that Destiny 2 will somehow redeem the franchise and provide some sort of wonderful story that should have been in the first game. Bungie's hiring of Halo 4 guy would seem to imply that they're going to give a story a real shot in Destiny 2, right? So, I think it's more of "I'm disappointed in you, I really hope you get this right the second time around" as opposed to "I'm expecting great things" and such. People are guarded, but there's... wait for it... hope for the future!

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