
That's a really pessimistic way of looking at it . . . (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 00:50 (3052 days ago) @ Avateur

The closed-mindedness is real. I blame 343 and Halo 4. But I can be optimistic for you. I mean, surely having some story has got to be better than having no story at all! The bar is already so low that it's just barely above the ground, so one would assume that we can only go up from here. High five.

I can't change how you feel; I just think it's unfortunate. If I wrote people off after one chance, I'd have experienced fewer good things in my life. I'd have never read Lord of the Rings, one of my favorite novels, because I hated The Hobbit. I'd have never read past the first Harry Potter book, because I didn't like it the first time I read it. I'd have never read many of Stephen King's good novels, because I hated the first one I read (I can't even remember which one that was. The Stand, I think.). I'd have not played The Witcher 3, because I hated The Witcher 1. I could go on.

We don't really know in what capacity he'll be involved (although I think we have to assume it'll be heavily, given his status as lead on Halo 4 and Mass Effect: Andromeda). I guess one could say that he can't screw up Destiny in the same way he screwed up Halo (if you believe that; I don't), in that Destiny doesn't really seem to have many fans of its story the same way Halo did. Halo 4 was bound to be a disappointment to some people, given the fitting send-off Bungie gave the Master Chief in Halo 3. I understand why they brought him back, but even as someone who likes 343i's continuation of the Halo story, I feel like it probably would have been better to leave him drifting forever. There isn't that pressure with Destiny.

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