
As long as it isn't Greg Bear or C.S. Goto (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 10:58 (3051 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I'd probably accept Orson Scott Card. I hated the Ender's Game series but what he wrote for Shadow Complex was pretty good.

Mass Effect has a good story (again with the caveat about ME3's ending). I felt that ME1 and 2 were largely good, even with the minor plot holes.

I didn't like the whole forrunner plot in Halo 4. The captain prior to Laskey is grotesquely incompetent, and most of the other characters exhibit zero of the usual military skill and bearing that are evident in prior installments. Likewise the ME series really doesn't have the military bearing that Halo or most military SF has. About the only thing they did well was show Cortania going nuts.

Still, I remain tentatively hopeful that this will lead to some good stories in the future.

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