
I'm sorry (Destiny)

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 17:25 (3043 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I felt the character evolution of the Chief and Cortana was some of the best writing in any Halo game so far, and as long as they don't stick him writing grimoire cards, any story from Shlerf making it's way into the game of Destiny will be an improvement.

- MacGyver10

Yeah. Characters feeling like real people instead of being props for the plot and mouthpieces for jokes is something that could significantly improve Destiny, the Destiny story, and the Destiny universe.

But I just can't get behind the whole nuke exploding right next to the Chief and Cortana "magically" saving him. As far as trying to make the Chief and Cortana like real people, I don't remember it feeling that way to me. To each his own though.

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