
Because… (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 19:56 (3043 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Because writing lore and text is very very different than writing for a visual medium. The grimoire people are good at what they do, but that does not mean they can take that into game. I've gone about explaining it before.

I admit that it is possible for someone to be great at one medium and not any good at the other, just as you say. But you know what? If you wrote down the script of the game of Destiny and just read it out loud, it would still suck balls.

There's no characterization, no descriptions, and even the things that are mysterious within the game world are literally never talked about. "Blah blah blah the Traveler blah." What the hell? There's a giant sphere FLOATING over a city and no one bats an eye. You just CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD and it's business as usual. People keep telling you that they'll explain when you get to the city (nope), they could tell you the stories (they don't) they don't have time to explain why they don't have time to explain (more like they don't have an explanation). Other events are out of sequence "The black garden? we've heard of it" (no, we haven't) followed almost immediately by "the database talks about something called the black garden..." (delivered like we'd never heard of it before even though the Exo just asked us about it one or two missions prior).

That's just sloppy and bad writing, plain and simple. There's no distinction needed between it being a visual medium versus a text medium. The writing sucks. Having the art and sound of bad writing doesn't make it more or less awful.

Could you take the grimoire and just put that into the game as text and have it work? Yes, in fact you could. Could the people who wrote that also write the script to Destiny 2? I don't know. BUT... I know that whoever wrote the script for Destiny 1 was awful. With the Grimoire people being a question mark for script writing but aces for text, I have a lot more faith in them than in the original writing team for the game itself.

Furthermore, they also seem to have an intimate understanding of the universe of the game. That puts them ahead of any outside help as far as I'm concerned. I hope that, at the very least, they are involved in the process of writing Destiny 2. And I hope that the writers of Destiny 1 are not involved in any way.

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