Can someone explain? - Star Wars: The Last Jedi *SPOILERS* (Off-Topic)

by Avateur @, Monday, December 18, 2017, 19:10 (2382 days ago) @ Ragashingo

What you’re saying makes sense, but we get enough context in this movie I think. Luke acknowledges that Snoke got to Ben. It goes to show that Luke was also aware of Snoke a ways back. He acted impulsively for just a moment, but that moment was enough to turn Ben over to Snoke, more or less. Add in Snoke’s mind bridging and communication powers, and we appear to have our answer about how he got to Ben (as Claude pointed out). The “who” or “when” regarding the point at which Snoke came to power doesn’t matter beyond the fact that he is around. He’s powerful, he’s not a Sith, and he may very well not be anywhere near as powerful as Palpatine. Either way, he may have waited for his opportunity, got it after Return of the Jedi, and filled quite the void when the Empire more or less fell. I’m still okay with what info we have on Snoke.

Which is way more than we were given with Phasma in these two movies. Great actress, what appeared to be a potentially bad ass character, but totally wasted and worthless beyond selling toys. It’s pretty lame!

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