
Funny Story (Off-Topic)

by squidnh3, Monday, December 18, 2017, 14:16 (2382 days ago) @ Ragashingo

It’s 1983. Luke Skywalker has surrendered himself to Darth Vader in an attempt to turn him back to the Light. He’s brought before the Emperor. With the knowledge you would have had in 1983, who was Emperor Palpatine? Where did he come from? Was that knowledge out there at all?

One of my really good friends who loves Star Wars had a tape of Empire Strikes Back as a kid (mid 90s). As in, that was the only movie in the series he had access to, and had ever seen. He says he used to watch it over and over again, and that the only part of it that ever confused him was who the ghost guy named Ben was.

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