
Star Wars: The Last Jedi *SPOILERS* (Off-Topic)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, December 15, 2017, 09:11 (2385 days ago) @ breitzen

At the ending of Return of the Jedi, Vader/Luke has brought balance to the force. Yet - Oh wait. Snoke. Well gee wiz. Does this really need an explanation why this little hiccup is such a big deal? That gaping hole that now exists - in CANNON. It's horribly unsatisfying.

I could have used a little more Snoke backstory, maybe through Leia or Luke. But I like the mystery. I don't want/need everything explained.

The thing is, Snoke’s backstory is ultimately unimportant. It’s irrelevant to the story being told here, to the actions and decisions of the main characters. It’d be cool to know, sure, but ultimately it would just add clutter and distraction. Comparisons to the lack of backstory around Palpatine are appropriate. The details of Palpatine’s rise to power had no impact or significance on the dilemma facing Luke at the end of RotJ. Snoke’s backstory is equally irrelevant to Rey and Kylo’s relationship in TLJ.

As far as the “Balance to the force” issue, there are a few problems with citing that profecy as reason for needing backstory on Snoke.

A) Who ever said the profecy was true?

B) “Balance” means exactly that... BALANCE. There is always light and dark in the world. Order and chaos. Too much chaos will rip civilization apart. Too much order will suffocate and weaken it to the point where it cannot properly protect or sustain itself. During the time of the OT, the forces of order and chaos (ie light and dark) were not balanced. The empire had pushed away the light to the point where darkness dominated the galaxy. Killing the Emporor was not an act that could remove all evil from the galaxy... but it helped tip the scales back towards a state of Balance.

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