
Star Wars: The Last Jedi *SPOILERS* (Off-Topic)

by breitzen @, Kansas, Friday, December 15, 2017, 06:53 (2478 days ago) @ TheeChaos

Snoke? Well unless they pull some sort of Palpatine Clone or Exar Kun force ghost shenanigans, well fuck all on that mystery. WHO THE 'ELL WAS THIS GUY! YOU DON'T KNOW! Generic Space wizard #1338 apparently. Captain Phasma is still a walking talking joke, but to the movies credit, at least there was more than a cameo this time. She still basically exists purely to look cool on posters, or at least "did"... and that's about it. You could switch her with "generic stormtrooper" and get the same depth. Then there is Kylo Ren. Ugh - THIS MUTHA FUKA! I have yet to find the full words, so I'll just give a quick burst of thoughts. WHAT DOES THIS CHARACTER WANT! HOW DID HE GET TO THIS POINT? Oh "but I could tell Snoke got to him first" - HOW!?!?!? Oh you mean that Dead guy! UGH! He exists as a mad plot tool. The emo teen that wants to just let the world die. At first I thought they were going to take the Kreia angle, and hate on the force. Nope! Just Kill everything and THEN RULE! Ugh. It was going so well, and they killed it. They went FULL RETARD! And with Rey. With Rey... I don't even know what to think with Rey yet. Luke too. Just ...eh.

For me, Snoke = Palpatine in the Original Trilogy. While I never got to watch them as they released (wasnt born) You didnt really know who Palpatine was until the Prequels were released unless you read material outside of the movie. I am going to go out on a limb and say this is a perfect set up for another "prequel" trilogy. Not that I hope that happens, just seem to be SO many near shot for shot scenes.

No idea about a movie about Snoke. I don't really care about it. What I like so much about where they went with this one is now we finally have a villain that's not just a far-away bad guy. We've seen Kylo struggle and evolve in his convictions, he's a much more interesting character than Snoke. And I'm excited to have him be an unhinged leader of a collapsing force in 9.

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