
Can someone explain? - Star Wars: The Last Jedi *SPOILERS* (Off-Topic)

by Funkmon @, Monday, December 18, 2017, 00:04 (2476 days ago) @ ManKitten

It is, but it's also entirely lacking context.

It's 1983. You're 5 years old. You ask your mom if you can go to Disney World. She says no. You ask why. "It's too far." No big deal. You just showed up. It's always been too far.

It's 2017. You're (2017-1983+5) years old. Your mom refuses to go to Disney World. Why? "It's too far." Are you going to settle for that? No. You're going to dig. She won't sit in a plane for 2 hours to go see goddamn Mickey?

It ain't 1983 no more. We know the universe. We know what came before Snoke.

Let's liken it to something else.

In ROTK, the hobbits go home to the scouring of the shire. Who's doing it? Saruman. The moment we see him, we know his story. Why do we know his story? Cause he showed up earlier in the story, DUH.

Imagine if in ROTK, the hobbits go home to the scouring of the shire. Who's doing it? Todd from Stoke-on-Trent. Oh, that evil Todd, who has been ruining generations of Hobbits for decades of whom everyone knows, but was never mentioned before in either LOTR or The Hobbit. They oust him, after learning nothing of his origin, motivations, or means.

Look, I don't really care much about whence Snoke came or who he is, but pretending the seventh movie can introduce a character implied to be there the whole time, then give the character no more story in the eighth because the second and third movies did it is silly.

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