
Star Wars: The Last Jedi *SPOILERS* (Off-Topic)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Sunday, December 17, 2017, 07:17 (2383 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

I honestly don't know what I thought of it, but I was very surprised that none of the characters had any development through the course of the movie. I mean, Poe, kinda, in that he's slightly less action-oriented, maybe?

I'm also surprised how little agency people had in the plot. I've never been one to get rilled up with that "Indiana Jones didn't have any influence on the outcome of Raiders" stuff, but man. I mean, except for Admiral Laura Dern's sacrificial jump saving 7 people and kicking off the deaths of a couple people across 3 different plot lines, nobody really accomplished anything. Snoak's death has something there in as much as someone decided to do a thing, but it's a momentary trick which can be cool as a part of a larger series of events, but feels thin here. Luke force-creates corporal matter (which is a thing he can do, apparently) but all in the service of another trick and just being a distraction — after which point he vaporizes himself because he's s proud of the trick he had done. Rae does almost nothing — killing some anonymous foot soldiers and some more elite looking anonymous foot soldiers, followed by lifting some boulders — and spends the whole moving failing to convince anybody to do anything. Finn and Rose smash up a town to acquire a guy who sells them out, but

(Also what the hell was with the twin suns callback? His wish for a life of adventure in space was fulfilled, or regained after losing his taste for it? I don't know what they were going for, there.)

Porgs are cute. I guess this franchise needed some tribbles.

I know this sounds like I hated it. That's not the case, but if feels so incomplete and yet so long. It's like it should have been edited down to a 1hour episode of a tv series, where it's ok to have an episode that does not move the ball much, but lets you meet some new people or see other aspects of the universe, and have a few rollicking space combat or swordplay. Here, though where is is 1/3 of the total story you get and you need to wait years for the next installment? I dunno.

OK. Last gripe: what happened to all of the practical FX stuff from 7? This movie had cgi everywhere and it was not super convincing.

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