
Give me examples and why they're bad (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, December 18, 2017, 15:31 (2475 days ago) @ Vortech

1. Not knowing who Snoke is

Yeah, I guess. But having a character who is mysterious is not something I would call a "sin". And it's never a plot item, it's just information not contained in the movie. The sin of J.J.A. in the past with this stuff was making the central motivating force an unknown and never explained thing. The red orb in Alias. The red orb in Star Trek, the entirety of the Dharma initiative. etc.

2. Rey's parents just being nobodies.

She was not obsessed with their identities, nor was the movie. The fans were. She just wanted her family back and to not feel alone. That seems like a very normal thing to feel and not what I would call a mystery box, which I think of as a kind of mc Guffin.

TFA was absolutely obsessed with their identities, or else it would not have been the mystery that it was.

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