I was holding myself here but I can't anymore (Off-Topic)

by Avateur @, Sunday, December 17, 2017, 17:18 (2383 days ago) @ ZackDark

Obviously major spoilers coming up here if anyone is reading this somehow who doesn't want to be spoiled. You've been warned.

When they were on their way back, Poe was telling Finn about the plan to jump ship. Benicio overheard, and then bad things went down. But I have major, major issues with the way they handled the Poe/Finn/Rose stuff beyond all of that. Finn practically single handedly destroyed the majority of those people. Instead of sticking to the plan and finding the actual codebreaker Maz recommended (also, how'd they know how to get in touch with Maz, let alone think she'd be the best one to go to for this? I suppose there are explanations that could work, but I thought it a stretch), they put their trust in the random dude they find in prison who opened ONE door. Because why not? He can open doors, surely he can do the thing with giant ships and their shields. Which of course also leads to them being betrayed and most of the people on their ship being killed. And all because their Admiral didn't want to tell anyone else on board what the actual plan was? Which also led to a mutiny?

Having a theme about failure and learning from it (or not) is fantastic (and I'm down with it and actually think it worked pretty well overall), but this was just some majorly bad plot and hard for me to believe that everyone around would be that failingly stupid. Plenty of missed opportunites spin out of this, too. Might do a more indepth write-up on my thoughts, but this is all I want to touch on for now. Either way, still really liked the movie (and still think it's better than TFA).

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