
Gamers are assholes (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, June 25, 2015, 13:23 (3289 days ago) @ Monochron

I'm pissed that Luke, or Bungie, felt that he needed to apologize for that interview. To suggest that he doesn't care about long time fans, when he himself is a long time fan and avid player of Destiny, is nothing more than whining and scape-goating. Yes, the pricing model for TTK was a bit butts, but [and I hate to side with Cody] introducing a large micro (macro?) transaction into the game is a worse step. I hope this doesn't open the door for more.

If people (most of whom are not on this forum, most of the conversation here wasn't that bad) can stop moaning about how mistreated they are the gaming community might be a much nicer place. If interviewers could stop attacking devs about pricing models that they likely have little influence over then reading their artciles might become pleasant.

Luke shouldn't apologize; Activision, and whoever at Bungie is involved in pricing, should get their ass down to the Bungie blog and apologize for their shitty pricing model. And frankly they should apologize for charging an absurd $20 for these digital items as well. The price of HoW for this stuff? This is the kind of stuff that we as a community should be rankled by, not by snarky interviews. I hope that Luke doesn't change his attitude based on this backlash.

I don't see Luke changing. I hope they don't hide him away now. He's great, and I say that as someone who wasn't his biggest fan when he first got to Bungie.

I have similar feelings as you do about all this, but that said, the apology was note perfect. Luke did not deny who he is or excuse who he is. He put himself in the shoes of someone who was hearing his words not as Luke being Luke but as a developer at Bungie representing Bungie.

I believe honesty wins the day regardless, and I hope the powers that be at Bungie see that. Luke is a truth teller and ultimately that trumps polish.

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